About African Union CIEFFA

AU/CIEFFA is a specialized institution of the African Union since 2004, dealing with women and girls’ education following Decision Assembly/AU/DEC.44 (III). The Centre is located in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
AU/CIEFFA has been established under the Department of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation at the African Union Commission to coordinate the promotion of girls and women’s education in Africa, with a view of achieving their economic, social and cultural empowerment. The Centre works closely with AU member States and government, civil society and international partners to implement its programs and activities and maintains specific working relationship with UNESCO to ensure a strong partnership in the implementation of its programs.
Since 2004, the African Union / International Centre for Girls and Women’s Education in Africa (AU/CIEFFA) has been a specialized agency of the African Union and is mandated to work on women and girls’ education following Decision Assembly/AU/Dec.44 (III).
The centre is based in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The AU/CIEFFA was established under the Department of Human Resources, Science and Technology (HRST) of the African Union Commission (AUC) to coordinate the promotion of girls’ and women's education in Africa for achieving their economic, social and cultural empowerment.
The centre works closely with the African Union (AU) Member States and Governments, Civil society organizations and international partners in order to implement its program and activities and equally maintains a specific working relationship with its partners for a strong partnership in the implementation of its programs.
- Promote girls’ and women’s education at both formal and non-formal levels ;
- Promote gender main-streaming in education policies and development programmes ;
- Build the operational capacities of Member States on girls and women’s education issues ;
- Establish networks for information and experience sharing on girls and women’s education ;
- Develop strategies and innovative approaches for advocacy and a fruitful partnership to promote and consolidate girls and women’s education ;
- Promote research on girls and women’s Education issues ;
- Conduct observatory activities on the status of education and training for girls and women in Africa ;
- Organize training on information and data collection, management and programmatic use ; and
- Monitor and report on decisions and programmes implementation at national, regional and continental levels.